As humanity expands ever outward into the digital age, the number of available accounting software that claim to be able to do it all for your practice are only going to increase. While you may be tempted to believe these claims, the truth is this: a real accountant is still better for your practice than any software. Why? We’re glad you asked.
Contrary to most people’s opinions of accountants, basic math is not our speciality. We allow computers to do most of the math for us in order to save ourselves the time to analyze and interpret the results.
Any computer can do the work it takes to balance your numbers, but none of them can understand whether those numbers are actually right, or what they mean to the financial future of your practice. Conversely, a dental accountant has the capability to analyze the financial health of your practice by comparing your numbers to benchmarks set by successful practices, tracking progress through past years, and determining proper overhead costs for your practice.
Our team is also here to help advise you on your goals, and what decisions need to be made in order to meet them. Another pitfall of software programs that many do not realize is that they can only tell you when something is wrong. Most of them are unable to tell you exactly why something is wrong and none of them are able to help provide you with a specialized solution.
Dental accountants know which financial strategies work in the dental field and which do not, because we have the experience to do so. Not only can we do the math, but we provide support during a financial emergency, or even when you just want to learn how to spend your money more wisely.
While there is no arguing that these software tools can be useful in the right hands, they are often only as good as the person using them. If an inexperienced individual is attempting to manage all of their finances on their own, it may result in costly errors that could have been avoided with a professional.
Wherever you are on your career journey, an accountant can help you find success. Help your practice and yourself with professional accounting services from our team. We can assist you with everything from tax prep and minimization to business management, start up services, retirement planning, and yes, bookkeeping. Contact Apple Guerin Company LLC today to get started.