Your most valuable resource is time. Managing your time can be impossible on some days. Think about the strategies you currently use to manage your time. What other tools could you use to protect your most valuable asset? These three methods shared by our Baton Rouge dental accountant will help you maximize your time.
Reevaluate Your Management Strategies.
Without spending a dime, you can buy time. Use a new method for tracking practice productivity. Having your team email their task lists for the day can be a great way to keep them organized. Each staff member can describe quantitatively what they do, making it easy to refer back to them. The previous method would avoid micromanagement of employees by asking, “What did you do today?” With a full schedule of appointments, implementing management tasks is difficult.
Since you know what each team member contributes, you can reduce the number of daily meetings. A daily list of completed tasks allows everyone at your practice to be aware of which tasks need to be handled.
Maximize efficiency by using apps.
“Lost time is never found again.” Ben Franklin knew this 200 years ago. How can you use this knowledge in running your practice? You can track your practice with several tools available on your phone. Using these tools can help you become more efficient. Today, you don’t need to manage all aspects of your business manually.
Utilize scheduling apps and software. Apps such as these will help you save time and keep track of your practice’s performance. If you need some guidance, feel free to contact our accounting firm.
Consider Express Check-In.
Losing time is not always the fault of your team. One late patient can disrupt your whole schedule. Make registration easy for your patients. Provide patients with online forms they can fill out before they come in. This will help your entire practice run smoothly. Working with your patients to create a smoother, faster registration is the best way to avoid becoming known as a practice that runs behind schedule. Your patients will not want to fill out redundant paperwork. Whenever possible, rework any documents or forms to prevent your patients from repeatedly filling out information such as their name and address.
Time management is an essential skill for successful business leaders. Set up methods that allow you to measure productivity in concrete, quantitative terms. Make your life easier with technology and let your patients work with you to save time. Think differently about your time management strategies.
Our dental accounting firm in Baton Rouge, LA can help you implement strategies that will help you be more efficient. Please contact us for a consultation.