Identifying Overspending in Your Practice | Baton Rouge Dental Consultant

You are responsible for many non-clinical tasks as a dental practice owner, including human resources, tax filing, contracts, and insurance. When ignored, these things can inhibit growth and even cause significant problems in a business.

The practice of keeping accurate accounting records is known as bookkeeping. A company’s sustainability depends on its records. In addition to managing cash flow and meeting financial obligations, accurate bookkeeping helps businesses plan their investments.

In the eyes of some business owners, it is a tedious task that must be completed before their CPA can file their taxes. Keeping clean books can help you do more than just file your tax return on time. You can use it to spot fraud, map business growth and identify areas of overspending.

Types of financial ledgers

A financial ledger shows your company’s profit and loss. A comparison is made between the revenue coming in and the expenses going out.

Profit and loss statements and balance sheets are the most important ones to review.

Balance Sheet

Essentially, a balance sheet is a statement of a company’s assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity at a particular point in time. The balance sheet is typically prepared at the end of a set period (e.g., quarterly or annually). There are two columns on a balance sheet. On the left, you can see the company’s assets. Liabilities and owner’s equity are listed to the right.

A balance sheet provides important information to a business owner about the health of the company. The owner, however, isn’t the only person who looks at the balance sheet. If you plan to sell your practice, lenders, investors, partners, or buyers will review it when you apply for financing.

Profit and loss statement

In finance, a profit and loss statement (P&L) shows a company’s revenues and expenses during a particular period. This statement explains how revenues are transformed into net income.

In addition to recording the practice’s collections, the P&L separates your statement into two sections:

  • Direct expenses: costs that vary according to production. As you see more patients, these costs will increase—like lab fees, supplies, hygiene, and chairside salaries.
  • Fixed expenses are costs that are specific to your company and remain constant regardless of the quantity of goods or services produced.The cost of your building rent, insurance, pension, or subscriptions, for example, is the same month to month, regardless of your production level.

By tracking both direct and fixed expenses, the business can identify overspending or areas for growth.

It is important to be organized.

No matter who manages this report, whether you do it yourself or hire a bookkeeper, a poorly organized P & L will not be helpful. Expenses should not be listed in separate categories on five pages. As with tracking your personal expenses, categorizing your expenses allows you to focus on the big picture. You will not use it if it is not usable.

An organized P & L allows you to sit down every year and review where your business is this year to date, last year, and even the year before. As a result, you can spot outliers and trends.

A monthly review is also very important. There may be things that come through that you will not remember at the end of the year. For example, if your insurance fees were extremely high last month, you will remember that you had paid your annual insurance premiums. Given everything you have going on, it is unlikely that you will remember each detail like this at the end of the year.

Our dental CPA in Baton Rouge can not proactively plan your tax projections if your books are not up-to-date. Furthermore, if you only prepare them for a six- or nine-month period, they will be unable to strategize for you.


It is important to leave financial statement management to a professional to ensure that all the categories are reported consistently, as well as to ensure that bank and payroll reconciliations are done on a monthly basis, which allows the owner to ensure that they are always tied to cash. It is also possible to detect fraud by staying organized.

In addition to other benefits, having good, clean books will make filing your tax return easier for your tax preparer. It can save you both time and money on your tax bill. As a result, it is cheaper, but it also prevents errors from occurring. You pay more in taxes when stuff gets missed.

It’s not only time-saving to have a professional accountant handle your monthly bookkeeping; it’s also strategic.

Rather than categorizing expenses, owners can now use the output strategically to enhance their businesses. It could be that accounts receivable have been running too high and have gone unnoticed, or lab supplies have gradually risen over the past six months. Early insight into changes can increase profitability in the short and long term. To schedule a consultation with one of our experts, please contact our Baton Rouge, LA dental accounting office today.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

3 Ways Dental Office Owners Can Save on Their Taxes | Baton Rouge LA Dental Accountant

The dental industry is highly competitive, and margins can be tight. So, it’s important to save money wherever you can—and that includes your taxes.

Here are three ways dental office owners can save on their taxes:

1. Take advantage of small business tax deductions.

As a small business owner, it’s important to take advantage of all the tax deductions and credits that are available to you. This can help reduce your tax liability and leave you with more money to reinvest in your business.

There are several small business tax deductions available, and the best way to take advantage of them is to work with a tax professional. They can help you identify the deductions you qualify for and file the necessary paperwork.

While taking advantage of small business tax deductions can save you money, it’s important to remember that they can also add complexity to your tax return. So be sure to work with a tax professional who can help you navigate the process and maximize your savings.

2. Invest in energy-efficient dental equipment.

If you’re looking to invest in new dental equipment, you may want to consider energy-efficient options. Energy-efficient dental equipment can help you save money on your energy costs, and it can also help you reduce your carbon footprint.

There are a variety of energy-efficient dental equipment options available on the market today. From energy-efficient dental chairs to LED dental curing lights, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can even find energy-efficient dental handpieces that can help you save even more money.

If you’re looking to invest in new dental equipment, energy-efficient options are definitely worth considering. Not only can they help you save money, but they can also help you reduce your impact on the environment.

3. Hire an accountant who specializes in dental office taxes.

As a dental office, you have unique tax needs that require the expertise of an accountant who specializes in dental taxes. Dental offices are subject to many of the same taxes as other businesses, but some unique taxes apply specifically to dental offices. For example, dental offices are required to pay a special tax on the sale of dental supplies.

Accountants who specialize in dental office taxes will be familiar with all the tax laws that apply to your business. This will help ensure that you are complying with all the tax laws and that you are taking advantage of all the tax breaks and deductions that are available to you.

In conclusion, dental office owners can save on their taxes in a variety of ways. The most effective way is to contact a dental accountant in Baton Rouge and schedule a consultation. Other methods include taking advantage of tax breaks and hiring a tax accountant. By taking these steps, you can save money on your taxes and improve your bottom line. Please contact AG Dental CPAs and Advisors today to learn how we can help.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

3 Dental Bookkeeping Mistakes You’re Probably Making (And How to Fix Them) Baton Rough LA Dental Accountant

Owning a dental practice is a demanding position. In addition to seeing patients and managing your staff, you also have to keep track of your finances. While bookkeeping may not be your favorite task, it’s important to make sure that you’re doing it correctly. Otherwise, you could end up making mistakes that cost you money.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss three common dental bookkeeping mistakes and how to fix them.

Dental Bookkeeping Mistake #1: Not Tracking Your Income

One of the most important aspects of dental bookkeeping is tracking your income. Without accurate records of what you’ve earned, it’s impossible to make informed financial decisions for your practice. Yet, many dental practices fail to track their income properly, leading to all sorts of problems down the road.

If you’re not tracking your income, you could be making some serious mistakes that could have a negative impact on your practice. Here are just a few of the things that can go wrong if you’re not keeping accurate records of your dental practice’s income.

  • You could miss out on tax deductions: Without accurate records of your income, you could miss out on important tax deductions that could save you money.
  • You could make poor financial decisions. Without knowing how much money you’re bringing in, it’s difficult to make sound financial decisions for your practice.

Dental Bookkeeping Mistake #2: Failure to Track Expenses

One of the most important aspects of running a successful dental practice is keeping track of your expenses. This can be a difficult task, as there are many different items that you need to keep track of. However, it is essential to track your expenses in order to maintain a healthy financial situation for your practice.

One of the biggest mistakes that dental practices make is not tracking their expenses. This can lead to major financial problems down the road. Tracking expenses can be done in a variety of ways, but consistency is the key to success. 

You can use a simple spreadsheet to track your expenses, or you can use more sophisticated financial software. Whichever method you choose, make sure that you track all of your expenses on a regular basis. If you are not tracking your expenses, you are putting your dental practice at risk. 

3rd Dental Bookkeeping Mistake: Failing to Keep Up with Accounts Receivable

One of the most important aspects of dental bookkeeping is staying on top of your accounts receivable. This refers to the money that is owed to you by your patients. When patients don’t pay their bills on time, it can put a strain on your cash flow and make it difficult to keep up with your own bills.

One way to stay on top of your accounts receivable is to use a software system that can track payments and send reminders to patients who are behind on their payments. There are a number of different software systems available, so be sure to do your research to find one that will work well for your dental practice.

Another way to stay on top of your accounts receivable is to hire a bookkeeper or accountant to handle this aspect of your business. This can be a good option if you don’t have the time or resources.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re making at least one of these three dental bookkeeping mistakes. But don’t worry, we can help! Our Baton Rouge dental accounting office offers a wide range of services to help you get your bookkeeping in order. We’ll work with you to find a solution that fits your needs. So, please contact AG Dental CPAs and Advisors to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Using Feedback to Improve Workplace Performance | Dental Accountant Baton Rouge

People working at desk overlaid on cityscape Dental Consultant Baton Rouge

We exchange feedback almost continuously from the leadership team as well as from the team members. Leading is as much about listening as it is about speaking. Although feedback is one of the most important aspects of performance improvement, it can also be one of the most challenging aspects of the process. People generally do not like to look at themselves critically. Throughout the following sections, we will illustrate some of the most effective methods for not only receiving constructive feedback but also handling it in such a way as to ensure its maximum effectiveness.

Ask for what you need:

People tend to assume that when something goes wrong, they will be informed and corrected as soon as possible. In an ideal world, this would be wonderful, but unfortunately, it isn’t the case when we look at what is happening in reality. By asking for feedback directly, you give your employees and your leaders the chance to provide you with valuable insights into what they think of your practice. You may miss out on mistakes that have been made or innovations that have improved processes or operations if you don’t ask.

Even if your feedback is not received formally, it can help strengthen your systems and enhance your performance. Do not hesitate to request feedback whenever possible.

Rather than reacting, listen and digest.

We can find it difficult not to feel personally attacked when we receive feedback, especially when it is critical. In situations like this, the worst thing you can do is react without considering the perspective of the other party. Listen to what they have to say and consider the reasons behind their feelings.

To understand the other person’s perspective, keep a clear head and ask clarifying questions. Positive and helpful feedback may be misinterpreted and turned into a destructive situation. Consider asking for additional time to digest your feedback if necessary. There is no harm in returning to discuss your feedback in greater detail and from a different perspective. If you allow yourself the necessary space and time, you will be in a position to deal with feedback more constructively and gain a better understanding of your leadership style and practice.

Providing Feedback Through Reflection:

Having a conversation with your team members is not the only way to receive valuable feedback. The successes and failures you have experienced can also provide you with valuable insight into your strengths and weaknesses. Are you prone to experiencing the same failure repeatedly? It may be necessary to determine the root cause of the problem and formulate a plan to prevent it from occurring again in the future.

The ability to hear criticism, whether constructive or not, can be difficult. It is, however, true that, at the end of the day, that brief period of difficulty will pay off for you and your practice in the long run. Our Baton Rouge Dental CPA team might be able to provide you with non-biased, constructive feedback from an outside perspective that may help you to grow your practice. Having the ability to analyze your strengths and areas for improvement is a great way to help you grow your practice. Contact our Baton Rouge LA Dental Accountant office today to schedule a consultation.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

What Makes a Real Dental CPA Better than Accounting Software | Dental Advisor Baton Rouge

Person working on spreadsheets on computer and tablet Baton Rouge Dental Consultant

In the years to come, as humanity expands further into the digital age, the number of accounting software providers who promise to offer everything your business requires will certainly grow. The truth is that, despite what these claims may suggest, a real dental accountant is still superior to software for your practice. 

The majority of people believe that accountants are experts in basic math, but that isn’t the case. To save ourselves the time of having to analyze and interpret the results, we let the computers do the majority of the math for us.

Although computers are capable of balancing your numbers, they cannot determine whether those numbers are accurate or what their implications are for the financial future of your organization. By contrast, a dental accountant can analyze the financial health of your practice by comparing your numbers to those of successful practices, tracking your progress over time, and determining the appropriate overhead costs for your practice.

A dental CPA is also available to assist you with determining what goals you wish to accomplish and what decisions you need to make to accomplish them. One of the weaknesses of software programs, not recognized by many, is that they can only tell you when something is wrong. Most of the time, they are unable to determine what the problem is and they are unable to provide a solution that is unique to your situation.

Because dental accounting professionals have vast experience in everything related to dentistry, they know what financial strategies will work and which will not. Their services do not end with just doing the math; we also provide support during financial emergencies as well as when you simply wish to learn how you can manage your money more effectively. 

While there is no denying the fact that these software tools can be very useful when they are used correctly, their value is often only as great as the person who uses them. Individuals who are inexperienced when it comes to managing their finances on their own may make costly mistakes they could have avoided with the support of a professional.

A dental accountant will be able to assist you at whatever stage you are at in your dental career. Your business and your career will thrive with our Dental CPA Baton Rouge team of dental CPAs. The services we provide range from tax preparation and minimization to business management, start-up services, retirement planning, and yes, even bookkeeping. To arrange a consultation with one of our Dental Accountant Baton Rouge professionals, please contact us today.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Accounting Problems – How A Creative Mind Can Solve Them | Baton Rouge Dental Consultant

Baton Rouge Dental Advisor

Al Capone, a notorious crime boss and mobster, committed countless crimes either directly or through his organization. Ultimately, it was not his gangster reputation that led to his arrest and sentencing. Instead, Capone was charged with income tax evasion. It took a team of accountants to bring down a man who had been the crime boss of Chicago for seven years.

The story has little to do with dentistry, but it is an example of how important accountants are to every industry. When you hire a dental accountant, you can be confident that they are professionals who have dedicated their lives to dentistry. Dental accountants are more than just tax preparers; they are specially trained to understand dental businesses and offer solutions that others may not consider. The following are a few ways that dental accountants can assist in the success of your practice.

Understanding Dentistry:

The services of an accountant of any type will be beneficial to your practice, but a dental CPA understands the ins and outs of dentistry and can utilize this knowledge to your advantage. Dental accountants are uniquely qualified to assist you since they comprehend the broader context of dentistry and can approach a problem from multiple perspectives. Since they fully understand your business, they can recommend a solution that will be ideal for you and which you can feel confident about.

Looking At The Big Picture:

Traditionally, accountants have been analytical thinkers. To solve a financial issue in your practice, you may need a new perspective that takes into account all the consequences. Dental accountants are capable of thinking laterally, which is one of the main reasons why they can greatly contribute to your practice’s success.

Creative Thinking:

Difficult problems require creative solutions. Even though accountants aren’t known for their creativity, you may be surprised to learn that their line of work actually requires quite a bit more creativity than might be expected. A dental accountant combines their dental knowledge and experience with a unique approach in order to create innovative solutions that help your practice meet and exceed its financial goals. 

Having the right accountant can make the difference between success and failure in your practice. Although it is best to consult an accountant before problems arise, we are always available to help you. For assistance with your financial goals and a highly specialized approach, please contact our Dental CPA Baton Rouge team of professional dental CPAs.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Accountants Should Have These 5 Qualities | Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA

Baton Rouge Dental Accountant

The most effective way to evaluate your practice’s performance is to hire a professional Baton Rouge LA Dental Accountant. As a dentist, we realize that you have a lot on your plate, and accounting may be the last thing on your mind. However, not all accountants are the same, so you should know what you’re looking for before you hire one. Here are five characteristics to look for before you hire an accountant.


Even though it may seem like a no-brainer, your accountant should be an expert in dental bookkeeping and accounting. Make sure dentists are aware of the best options for financial support and stay on top of practice-related financial details and information.

Well organized

If you’ve ever attempted to do your own accounting, you know how quickly it can get complicated. An experienced accountant will know how to resolve issues and maintain accurate records. As well as allowing you to achieve your goals more quickly, it will also guarantee your company is both compliant and efficient.


The most important factor when choosing an accountant is trustworthiness. Do not hire an accountant blindly without proper research. Often, you entrust them with your practice, your finances, and even your life. It’s all about your reputation. Before you sign anything, take the time to become familiar with the company and accountant. Ask for references from other professionals.


The devil lies in the details, and a single mistake could cost you your practice and your reputation. Examine how your accountant will avoid mistakes and keep you informed about your finances. In your role as a doctor, you spend a lot of time getting to know your patients. An accountant should perform the same service for your practice, recognizing the significance of accuracy. 


The top dental accountants place great importance on customer service. If you want your practice to be successful, then you should expect them to go the extra mile to ensure that this happens. It is for this reason that we respect and dedicate ourselves to every client we work with. As a client, you should feel confident and comfortable as your accountant performs all work on your behalf.

You have devoted all of your energy and effort to establishing a reputable dental practice. We are here to assist you. Contact us today to arrange a consultation with one of our dental consultant Baton Rouge professionals. Let’s work together to help you achieve your financial goals.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

A Dental Accountant Can Help You Retire Confidently | Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA

Baton Rouge LA Dental Advisor

Stephen Covey made famous a saying that has stuck with us for years. He said, “Start with the end in mind.” There is no time like the present to start planning for your retirement. These words can mean many things to many different people, but to us, they mean that you should never be too young to start. 

The planning required for your eventual retirement as a dentist with your own practice is much more extensive than that of the average person. Your financial waste can be reduced with the help of a dental accountant, allowing you to retire sooner. 

Approximately how much are you saving?

When you meet with our Dental CPA Baton Rouge accounting team, you will discuss your dental profit and loss, taxes, and long-term savings goals. Changing your investments during retirement may be beneficial to your savings as it may outpace inflation.

What is your exit strategy?

A written agreement that details who will buy you out when you retire would be helpful if you are a dental practice owner or partner. Determine whether you plan to retire outright or work part-time. Consider how taxes will impact your retirement savings. You should consider these and many other factors when planning your retirement. Our Baton Rouge LA Dental Consultant firm can help you with the details of the transition.

When you retire, what do you plan to do?

Your priorities and living expenses may have to shift if you are considering starting a new venture, traveling more, or embracing a hobby. Considering how rapidly the economy is changing, it is worthwhile consulting experts to help you future-proof your lifestyle.

How long will you be retired?

Life expectancy has increased dramatically due to advances in modern medicine. Depending on your health and family history, you may want to plan as if you’ll live to be 100 years old and estimate your needs accordingly.For example, have you considered long-term care insurance?

Will there be any other changes to expenses?

Even though retirement may eliminate your commute, work wardrobe, and team lunches, it also means higher medical costs. Consider what changes to your budget you may experience during retirement.

You can start working through this list at any time. The majority of accountants recommend meeting with your advisor annually to discuss your progress and make any necessary adjustments. 

Dental accountants are similar to financial coaches. Among the many services accountants can offer, they can assist in finding the right pensions, properties, and business opportunities for you to invest in while you are still employed. They can also help you understand where your money is going as your income grows, ensuring you have a better financial future once you retire.

In addition to helping you divide up your assets after you retire, an accountant ensures that they don’t fall into the wrong hands.

You shouldn’t have to work during retirement. Get financial peace of mind by contacting a Baton Rouge Dental CPA accountant today. Let’s talk.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Our Accounting Team Will Save You Time | Dental Accountant Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge Dental Accountant

The IRS, business management, and day-to-day business issues can all seem overwhelming. Most likely, you got into your field to do what you do best, not to do accounting, and even though accounting is essential, we know it might just not be your cup of tea. Most business owners feel the same way. Lack of interest or knowledge does not excuse you from responsibility. In addition, a good accountant can mean the difference between success and failure for your business. Hire our team of trusted CPAs as your best defense against the complexities of accounting.

In contrast to an accounting computer program, a specialized accountant provides more than basic numbers. If you do not have a background in accounting, you will need a CPA to organize and present the data effectively. An experienced dental CPA in Baton Rouge will go far beyond what a computer program will do. We will gather the right information about your business so we can identify what needs to be done and plan accordingly.

As a skilled dentist, you can perform a root canal from afar and spot a cavity from a mile away. When it comes to dental bookkeeping, you may be less confident. With our professional dental bookkeeping services, we can both improve accuracy and efficiency, as well as troubleshoot a specific problem. As a result of taking over your practice’s bookkeeping, you will have more time to attend to your patients and manage your practice.

Here are a few benefits of outsourcing your bookkeeping:

  • By saving time, you can focus on growing your dental practice.
  • By reducing production costs, you are only paying for what you need.
  • Our expertise in this field means you can trust the accuracy of your books.
  • Compliance with dental bookkeeping best practices.
  • Having access to the best bookkeeping software and data backup solutions is

Your CPA will ask questions and propose solutions to problems, such as: what is the financial health of your practice? Are there ways to reduce taxes and increase revenue? Is another team member needed?

Your CPA will provide you with services based on your needs. For example, you may only need your taxes prepared. But if you’re looking for the maximum benefit of a specialized accountant, they can also provide you with added security, tax planning, and expert business advice. Remember, an excellent accountant can save you both time and money while providing peace of mind. 

Our Baton Rouge dental accounting office can help you get started in your search for a CPA.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Is Your Business Healthy? | Baton Rouge LA Dental Advisor

Baton Rouge Dental Accountant

Success is subjectively defined. On the other hand, most people would agree that achieving a healthy work-life balance is one of the most important aspects of success. Our dental consultant in Baton Rouge says that you can prevent career burnout by establishing healthy business habits. You may be dissatisfied with your career and question the health of your business if you experience any unhealthy habits.

Develop healthier habits. Arrive at work at the same time every day. Being consistent with yourself and your team can make a world of difference in creating a peaceful work environment. Make time to work on your business and stick to it. The stress that comes from administrative work, important decisions, and other responsibilities of an owner can be overwhelming. This eventually affects your team and patient satisfaction. 

Make sure you know your number. Money is not the cause of all evil. It is also not the answer to every problem. It is an essential part of running a successful business. To make smart investments, it’s crucial to know where you stand financially. Consider how purchasing that $30,000 “high-tech solution to all of your problems” will help you provide better patient care. What is the return on investment? How have others in your position made this investment profitable? We will advise you on major financial decisions. You should always keep track of your numbers. We are here to help.

There’s an old saying that says, “You have to spend money to make money,” and that’s certainly the case in dental practice financial management. For dental practices, this often means investing in initiatives that increase patient satisfaction and increase practice visibility. Offer discounts or preferential treatment to long-term customers, such as priority scheduling for appointments. Improve the overall patient experience with the help of new technology and facility upgrades. Last but not least, set a marketing budget for the practice that includes offline and online marketing activities, including localized SEO.

The responsibility of owning a business can be very fulfilling and rewarding. Accomplishing everything on your to-do list can be challenging. Be sure to prioritize your responsibilities and set deadlines. Simply doing this will help you find time for the things that are often put on the backburner. When you are clear about your priorities, it will be easier to say “no” when necessary and to stay focused on checking off important items.

We can assist you in making wise financial decisions. Please contact our dental accounting office in Baton Rouge, LA today to schedule a consultation.

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
Phone: (225) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg A, STE 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808