Baton Rouge Dental CPA | ADCPA Summer Meeting

AG Dental Clients,

A few members of our team recently attended the ADCPA Summer 2017 conference in Bay City, Michigan, home to one of our ADCPA firms, The DBS Companies.  We learned a great deal from this conference and wanted to share some of the highlights with you.

Bay City Recap

Day 1


  • In House Plans – Quality Dental Plans
    • In house replacement for dental insurance
    • Not effective for primarily fee-for-service practices
  • Estate Planning
    • Major life events represent great times to review legal docs (will, guardianship, POAs)
    • Get something in place
  • PNC Bank
    • Consider opening refund only bank account as this is the most likely account to be compromised and avoids shutting down main operating account should fraud occur
    • Majority of bank fraud is still check fraud, not electronic
  • Dr. Charles Blair, DDS
    • Importance of accurate and correct coding

Day 2


  • Future of Dentistry is Now – Dr. Jonathan Bregman DDS
    • KPIs – Key Practice Indicators – Doctor needs to know and understand these metrics
    • #1 malpractice issue – lack of detection of periodontal disease
  • Social Security
    • Don’t rely on SS office to answer your questions
    • Complicated with many options and alternatives, seek out an expert
  • Cash Balance/Retirement Plans
    • Progression of retirement plans – IRA, Simple, 401k, Profit Sharing, Cash Balance (in order of ability to fund)

Should you have any questions about one of these areas or would like more information please reach out to one of our CPAs and we’d be happy to discuss with you.


Robert P. Apple, CPA

Baton Rouge Dental Consultant | Combat Burnout to Increase Production

Dental Consultant in Baton Rouge

Dental Consultant in 70808Have you ever felt tired, stressed, and overwhelmed to the point where it impacts your production numbers? Burnout can happen to all dentists and their teams. Yes, this includes you. Before burnout starts to significantly impact your practice, you need to know how to recognize it and how to manage it.

Identify Signs of Burnout

If you start to feel unfocused, tired, or bored, you may be experiencing burnout. Does your team lack the enthusiasm they once possessed? When you start to notice these clues and behaviors, take action immediately. You and your team have invested countless hours in building a fulfilling career in dentistry. Don’t allow a temporary period of burnout to cause you to question your work. Instead, it’s time to reinvigorate your attitude.

Identify the Problem Areas

When production numbers begin to slip, look at where your numbers are starting to drag. A dental CPA can help you identify areas where your numbers a falling. When a department’s numbers begin to sink, your team members can start to feel low, impacting the office’s overall morale. Identifying the problem area allows you and your team to find and implement a solution before dissatisfaction spreads.

Identify New Areas to Explore

If you are experiencing burnout, the time may be right to learn a new skill. Sign up for a CE course or workshop on a subject that is new or intriguing. By expanding your skills, you can increase the number of services you provide, which can turn sagging appointment numbers around. Could your team benefit from additional courses? You may want to try selecting a course the entire team can participate in together. Not only will you all be learning new applicable skills, but you will be improving your relationships with each other which will lead to improved morale.

Burnout will happen to even the best dental team. When you start to notice the signs of burnout, don’t wait for things to improve on their own. Be proactive and identify the areas you or the team could improve. Whether it is improving the number of hygiene appointments, or taking a new CE course, take action immediately to combat signs of burnout.

A dental CPA team can help you evaluate areas of opportunity. Contact our office today.

Baton Rouge Dental Consultant | Planning for Retirement

Dental Consultant in Baton Rouge, LA

Dental Consultant in 70808Whether you have been working for 3 years or 30, it is important to have a retirement plan in place. Unfortunately, many people have never taken the time to create a realistic estimate of what kind of savings they will need to enjoy the lifestyle they want during retirement years. Here are a few key factors that influence how much you should be saving to ensure that you can retire comfortably on schedule.

  1. How long will you be retired? Advances in modern medicine have increased life expectancy over the past decades. Depending on your health and family history, you may want to plan as though you will live to 100 and estimate your needs accordingly.
  2. What do you plan to do during retirement? If you are planning to travel more, visit family members more frequently, or embrace a hobby, you may have increased living expenses compared to your working years.
  3. What other expenses will change? Your commute, work clothes, and business lunches may stop, but you may have higher costs for medical care and prescriptions. Talk with our financial planner about the types of changes to your budget that are likely to occur during retirement.
  4. How much are you currently saving? When you meet with our financial planner, you will review the details of your current retirement savings plans and how your portfolio is performing. During retirement, it may be beneficial to continue some of your investments to help your savings outpace inflation.
  5. Do you have a withdrawal strategy? If you are an owner or partner in your business, is there a written agreement for buying you out when you retire? Do you plan to transition by working part time for a year or more or should you stop all at once? How are your retirement savings affected by taxes? All these and more should be part of your strategic plan for retirement. Our financial planning expert can guide you through the details of your withdrawal process.

For more information on planning for your comfortable retirement, contact our office and schedule a financial planning consultation.