Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Can Your Practice Weather a Financial Storm?

One of the core financial planning tenets is the need to establish an emergency fund. Having a financial safety net is essential, especially today when the economy and the world is facing so much uncertainty. Should an unexpected natural disaster, staffing upset, or other unplanned event interrupt the flow of business to your practice, are you prepared to ride out the difficulty?

Defining a financial emergency

The criteria for what constitutes a financial storm or emergency will be defined differently based on each practitioner’s unique circumstances. A large, financially stable practice may barely notice if several staff members suddenly quit. That same scenario could wreak havoc on a small practice. Of course, a fire, flood or other damaging event is likely to be disastrous for any practice if you are unable to see patients and generate revenue for an extended period of time. This is why having a business emergency fund in place is so vital: to help you carry on, make payroll and pay bills until things return to normalcy.

How much should you set aside?

Most financial advisors recommend saving between 3 and 6 months salary in individual emergency funds. However, these amounts will likely be insufficient for even a small dental practice. There are a number of variables, but here are some questions to consider as you calculate what makes sense for you:

·         What are your insurance limits?

·         How much time will you wait for insurance claims to be processed?

·         What risks are not covered by insurance?

·         How long can your practice survive if you are unable to generate revenue?

·         What would it cost to arrange coverage for staff members who quit unexpectedly?

·         How much are replacement costs for essential equipment that is damaged and inoperable?

Knowing where to start

Many people don’t save for a rainy day because they don’t anticipate financial emergencies until it’s too late to prepare. If you have not begun shoring up your practice against financial storms, now is the time to begin putting a plan in place. An excellent place to start is by scheduling a consultation with our office. We can assess your assets and your risk, and identify vital next steps to ensure your practice is financially secure, no matter what the future holds. Contact AG Dental today.


AG Dental
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Streamline Your Practice with Better Accounting

As a dental practice owner, you have a lot on your plate. From seeing patients and managing your staff to staying abreast of trends in your profession, there is not a lot of extra time for balancing the books. Yet, profitability is always a priority, so how can you streamline your practice and create better efficiencies so that your practice can truly thrive? One of the best ways is to hire an accountant who specializes in your area of expertise. A dental-industry accountant can offer the following advantages:

1.   Keeping you abreast of industry trends. Specialized accounting professionals will be mindful of trends that impact your profitability. This means you’ll enjoy practice-specific tax advice suited to your practice size and location so you don’t end up paying more annual tax than you should. A specialized accountant is also aware of evolving tax laws and can help you stay compliant and avoid unwanted audits.

2.   Serving as a sounding board. At some point you will probably consider investing in new equipment or perhaps consider an office expansion. Staying competitive requires looking for opportunities to grow. A specialized accountant can consult with you and help you look at various pros and cons prior to making a financial commitment. Having a sounding board for important monetary decisions can help you avoid a poor investment that could cost you in the long run.

3.   Assisting with retirement planning. Even if you see retirement as a long way off, planning ahead can make the difference in terms of your future nest egg. Having a CPA who understands your goals, your business and your target retirement age can free you up to focus on other things, like caring for patients.

4.   Spotlighting best practices. When you engage the services of a dental-industry accountant, you can take advantage of all of their industry know-how. They can share lessons learned from similar practices, connect you with other professionals in related industries, and provide trusted advice about important business decisions.

When you think about streamlining your practice, hiring an accountant may not be the first decision that comes to mind. But you may not realize how much of your time and energy is spent on the myriad of financial decisions and concerns that are inherent in running any small business. A skilled dental-industry accountant may be just the support you need to take your practice to the next level of success. 

To learn more about how our small-business accounting services can help your dental practice thrive, contact AG Dental today for more information.


AG Dental
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Employee Embezzlement

Let’s face it: As a practice owner, you have many responsibilities. Juggling the demands of seeing patients, overseeing staff, and monitoring financial transactions can be overwhelming. That’s why putting safeguards and internal controls in place is so important, to help you avoid the risk of theft from employees. While it may be hard to imagine that the smiling face you hired to greet visitors could be stealing from you, that kind of naivety has cost doctors like you thousands of dollars in annual revenue. In fact, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), as many as 60% of dentists will eventually become victims of embezzlement. It can be difficult to prevent employee theft, but educating yourself now and putting processes in place to better secure your financial picture can help minimize the possibility of it happening to you. Here are some tips to get you started.

Know Who You’re Hiring
It’s not enough to select a new employee based on their resume or personality. Your new hire will be handling confidential information such as insurance claims, patient data, and checking account numbers, so anyone whom you consider bringing on board should undergo a professional background check. You should also request references, including contact information from their previous employer. 

Learn as Much as (and More Than) Your Employees
Over time, employees see which patients pay with cash, who writes checks, the average daily and weekly deposit amounts, and how much money comes in from insurance companies. This is information you should be familiar with as well. Require that each employee log these details in your accounting software and ask your accountant to help you create a program that includes a check and balance system with daily opening and closing reports. That way, either you or your accountant can run and analyze these reports—never an employee.

Delegate Shared Responsibilities
No individual in your office should control any financial process from start to finish, so make sure you establish and implement a team approach to these tasks. This will let you know who recorded which transactions and create a higher degree of accountability among your staff.

Look for Common Red Flags

You should always keep an eye out for common indicators that an employee might be stealing from the practice. Pay attention if someone on your team is suddenly spending beyond their means, is always the first in the building and last to leave, or is overly protective or secretive of their work. 

Schedule an Outside Audit 

Serious financial damage can add up quickly if you’re the victim of embezzlement, so it’s important to periodically hire an outside accountant to review your finances and look for irregularities. He or she will be able to monitor your employees’ work and catch errors, mistakes and theft.

If you notice that the numbers in your practice aren’t adding up, it’s best not to tell anyone on your staff since the suspect could find out and destroy incriminating evidence.  Instead, talk to a trusted CPA first so they can put a fool-proof process in place to catch your thief and get your money back in your business where it belongs. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment to learn more, contact Apple Guerin Company LLC today.


AG Dental
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | The Power of Feedback in Improving Workplace Performance

The exchange of feedback between leaders and their teams is an almost non-stop process. Official, or not, good leaders are as willing to listen to feedback as they are giving it out. Feedback is one of the most important aspects of improving performance, and yet it can be one of the most difficult things to hear. Very few people enjoy viewing themselves in a critical light. Below, we’ll outline some of the best ways to not only get constructive feedback, but also how to handle feedback for optimal benefit when it comes.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For It:

People will often assume that if something is wrong, they’ll be told and corrected. While in a perfect world, this may be the case, it is unfortunately not the reality. When you directly ask for feedback, you give your employees and your leaders the opportunity to give you valuable insights into the operations of your practice. Without asking, you may be missing out on mistakes being made, or innovations that have changed operations for the better.

Even if the feedback is not received in an official setting (such as an “on the fly” direction) it can give you the ability to bolster your systems and improve your practice. Make sure you ask for that chance as frequently as possible.

Don’t just React – Listen and Digest:

When feedback comes to us, it can sometimes be difficult to not feel personally attacked – especially if the feedback is critical. The worst thing you can do in this type of situation, would be to react without really considering what the other person is saying. Make sure you hear what them out and think about why they feel the way they do.

Do your best to stay clear headed and ask clarifying questions to help you fully understand the other person’s view point. Sometimes, the most positive and helpful feedback can be misinterpreted and turned into a destructive situation. If you need to take the time to digest, think about asking for time to do so. It never hurts to come back and be able to discuss feedback in more detail and from a different perspective. Taking whatever space and time you need will ultimately help you deal with feedback in a more constructive way and help you to understand your practice and your leadership style better.

Reflection is a Form of Feedback:

A conversation with a manager or employee is not the only way to get feedback. You can also learn a lot about your strengths and potential limitations by reviewing the successes and failures you have had in your position. Is the same failure happening over and over again? It may be time to figure out the root cause of the issue and create a plan to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Criticism, constructive or not, can be difficult to hear. Ultimately however, that brief time of difficulty will turn in to large dividends for both you, your team, and the practice as a whole. If you’re looking for constructive feedback from an outside perspective that can help your practice grow, contact our Baton Rouge dental CPA. We’ll be able to analyze your strengths and areas for improvement in order to help you bring your practice to the next level.


Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Why a Real Dental CPA is Still Better Than Any Accounting Software

As humanity expands ever outward into the digital age, the number of available accounting software that claim to be able to do it all for your practice are only going to increase. While you may be tempted to believe these claims, the truth is this: a real accountant is still better for your practice than any software. Why? We’re glad you asked.

Contrary to most people’s opinions of accountants, basic math is not our speciality. We allow computers to do most of the math for us in order to save ourselves the time to analyze and interpret the results.

Any computer can do the work it takes to balance your numbers, but none of them can understand whether those numbers are actually right, or what they mean to the financial future of your practice. Conversely, a dental accountant has the capability to analyze the financial health of your practice by comparing your numbers to benchmarks set by successful practices, tracking progress through past years, and determining proper overhead costs for your practice.

Our team is also here to help advise you on your goals, and what decisions need to be made in order to meet them. Another pitfall of software programs that many do not realize is that they can only tell you when something is wrong. Most of them are unable to tell you exactly why something is wrong and none of them are able to help provide you with a specialized solution.

Dental accountants know which financial strategies work in the dental field and which do not, because we have the experience to do so. Not only can we do the math, but we provide support during a financial emergency, or even when you just want to learn how to spend your money more wisely. 

While there is no arguing that these software tools can be useful in the right hands, they are often only as good as the person using them. If an inexperienced individual is attempting to manage all of their finances on their own, it may result in costly errors that could have been avoided with a professional.

Wherever you are on your career journey, an accountant can help you find success. Help your practice and yourself with professional accounting services from our team. We can assist you with everything from tax prep and minimization to business management, start up services, retirement planning, and yes, bookkeeping. Contact Apple Guerin Company LLC today to get started. 


Apple Guerin Company LLC
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | 5 Qualities Your Next Accountant Should Have

The easiest way to gage how well your practice is doing is to hire a professional dental accountant. However, not all accountants are the same, and you should know what you’re looking for before you trust your business to anyone. As you research your options, make sure your next accountant has these five qualities.


It may seem like a no brainer, but your accountant should be an expert in bookkeeping and accounting specific to the dental industry. Make sure they know the best options for dentists and stay on top of practice related financial details and information.


If you’ve tried to do your accounting yourself, you know just how quickly it can turn messy. Hire an accountant that knows how to clean up the mess and keep it that way. Not only will this allow you to reach your goals faster, but it was also help ensure your business is both efficient and compliant.


Trust is one of the most important factors when deciding on an accountant. You are often putting your practice, your financials and your life in their hands. In this case, reputation means everything. Find out everything you can about the company and accountant before signing anything. Consider contacting professional references for testimonies.


The devil is in the details, and one mistake could cost your practice dearly. Discuss the ways that your accountant would avoid mistakes and stay familiar with your financials. You spend a lot of time familiarizing yourself with your patients, an accountant needs to do the same with your practice.

Dedicated to You

The top dental accountants understand that customer service is paramount. Your accountant should go above and beyond to help your practice become successful. Our team knows this to be the case, and gives each of our clients the respect and dedication they deserve. Contact our office today and see how a great accountant can help you. 

Baton Rouge LA Dental Accountant | Top Three Tips for a Profitable Dental Practice

Part of what makes being a dentist so exciting and fulfilling is establishing your own practice. Dentists can work on their own or in a partnership setting. In either case, though, they’re at the top of their business. Being the CEO of a small business comes with responsibilities outside of the appointment rooms. Dentists need to invest time making sure their practices are profitable. This means having a grasp of things like overhead, revenue, and marketing strategies. Here are some of the most important tips to help dental practices become more profitable.

Analyze Your Expenses

This should be the first priority for any practice focused on widening profit margins. Dentists should produce a detailed list of their monthly expenses. This includes equipment, supplies, employee salaries, liability insurance, and rental costs or property taxes. Carefully scrutinize this list for anything that’s not strictly necessary, or that your practice spends an excessive amount on. You may be able to reduce your overhead by cutting down on specific supplies, finding savvy ways to limit your insurance payments, or even writing off more expenses to reduce your taxes. There are myriad routes to pulling down your overhead. They all start with patiently poring over your expenses. Having a certified dental accountant is a great way to make sure this work is done accurately and effectively. 

Establish Growth Objectives

Businesses without specific goals are often their own worst enemy. That’s because when you lack concrete objectives, you’re more likely to fall into a state of complacency with your company. It goes without saying, of course, that complacency leads to stagnation and lost profits. Dental practices that want to be as profitable as possible should map out where they want their business to be in three months, six months, a year, and five years. Have a clear sense of the number of patients you want to gain within each time frame, and start developing strategies that help get you there.

Master Online Marketing

In 2019, the majority of people looking for a dentist in their area will use the internet to find one. In fact, statistics show that 90 percent of Americans use internet search engines to find local businesses. That includes dental practices. So how can dentists gain a foothold in these searches and put their practice’s website in front of as many eyes as possible? The answer is online marketing. More specifically, search engine optimization (SEO) marketing. SEO marketing has one simple, powerful objective: get a business’s website and content to rank as high on search engines as possible. In today’s marketplace, where Google, Bing, and Yahoo dominate the way we discover small businesses, this is a critical step in boosting profits.

For expert help in making your business as profitable as possible, contact our office today. We know how to help your business generate all new levels of success.

Dental CPAs in Baton Rouge | Is Your Business Healthy?

The definition of success is subjective. However many can agree that accomplishing a healthy work-life balance seems to be one of the most important ways to achieve success on many levels. By establishing healthy business habits, you can minimize the occurrence of career burn-out. If you’re experiencing career dissatisfaction and questioning the health of your business, consider the following:  

Establish healthier habits. Arrive at work at the same time each day. Consistency for yourself and your team can make a difference in creating a peaceful work environment. Dedicate time to work on your business, and stick to it. When administrative work, important decisions and other owner responsibilities stack up, it’s common to carry that stress around with you. Eventually it affects your team and patient satisfaction as well.  

Know your number. Money is not the root of all evil. It’s also not the solution to every problem. It’s a necessary component to running a healthy business. It’s important to know where you stand financially and have the ability to make smart investment decisions. Before purchasing that $30,000 “high tech solution to all of your problems”, consider how it will truly aid in providing better care for your patients. What will the ROI be? How have others in your situation made this investment profitable? Our team will help advise your major financial decisions. When it comes to your numbers, it’s helpful to know where you stand at all times. We are here for you. 

Owning a business can be a very satisfying and rewarding responsibility. It can be difficult to find the time needed to accomplish everything on your to-do list. Prioritize your responsibilities and create deadlines. This alone will help you make the time for the important items that often get pushed to the backburner. Once your priorities are clear, it will become easier to say “no” when necessary and to have the focus required to check off important items.  

If you’d like assistance in making wise financial decisions, contact us.  

AG Dental CPAs & Advisors

Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421

Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Baton Rouge Dental CPAs | There’s Power in Numbers

Being a member of the exclusive Academy of Dental Certified Accountants ( allows our team the benefit of providing collective experience, national averages and best practices. The ADCPA meets twice per year to learn and grow together. By joining with dentistry’s top dental accountants, we have the ability to expand our service offerings, continually improve our communication and technology, as well as learn about ancillary supporting services which benefit our dental clients.  

If considering a general CPA for your dental practice, consider the advantages to hiring an ADCPA member.  

When uniting with other top dental CPA’s, our team has the ability to learn alternative ways to serve our clients. We discuss controversial topics and learn where our peers stand in terms of providing the most ethical, and beneficial tax strategies. Having a CPA that is well versed in tax law and is up to date on best practices can save you time and money.  

Dental CPAs provide a wide range of dental specific accounting needs. As your Practice grows, your taxes become more complex. Dental CPAs will share effective techniques for maximizing your tax savings. Aside from tax planning and support, we offer proficient insight on current trends and relevant issues that aid in making sound decisions for your business. Whether starting your first practice or managing your established growth, you can rest assured knowing your our team is by your side, providing you with strategic advice, every step of the way.  

For more information on how our team will help you, contact us.  

AG Dental CPAs & Advisors

Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421

Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Dental CPAs in Baton Rouge | How Team Morale can Make or Break Your Dental Practice

Team morale can make or break your dental practice. It’s a bold statement, but there are several reasons why it is true. The morale of every member of your team impacts other team members, your patients, and over time, even your bottom line. If you want your dental practice to be a success, team morale needs to be a priority.

Unhappy staff are less productive. When a member of your team is unhappy in their job, they work more slowly, are less efficient, and are less likely to “go the extra mile” to ensure a great patient experience. When an unhappy staff member isn’t giving a great patient experience, that patient is less likely to be a repeat patient and unlikely to refer anyone else to your practice. Over time, this could potentially cost you dozens of patients and thousands of dollars.

Unhappy staff make other staff unhappy. When one person is feeling unmotivated, unappreciated, or disgruntled, their attitude affects those around them. Other staff are forced to work harder to compensate for the lack of productivity. One person complaining about being unhappy can hurt the morale of every other person in your office. What starts as a seemingly small problem can quickly gain momentum if it isn’t addressed quickly and correctly.

Unhappy staff are more likely to quit. On the surface, this may seem like a good thing: take the poor attitude and low morale out of the equation. However, the cost of finding, hiring, and training a replacement can be high. Even more, the most common reason why an employee quits a job is that they feel unappreciated and/or unsupported by management. Chances are good that if one of your staff feels that way, others aren’t far behind.

Overcome team morale issues with good leadership. As the dentist and CEO of the practice, you are the primary person your team is looking to for leadership. Hold yourself accountable to your team for following through on your promises. Deal with conflicts as soon as they arise. Have an open door policy that makes your staff feel comfortable coming to you with problems so you can address them before they become unmanageable.

Hold regular effective team meetings to ensure every team member understands their place in your vision for the practice. Recognize individual and team successes. Show appreciation. Ensure that you are supportive of any staff empowered to make decisions. If you need to coach them on a change in policy, do so privately to avoid undermining their authority.

You are the leader of your team. The trust, support, recognition, appreciation, and respect you give to your team is the foundation of your team’s morale. When you create a great working environment, your team morale is high. High team morale creates a better patient experience and greater productivity, which benefits everyone. To ensure your practice thrives, make your team’s morale a priority.

If you’d like assistance with employee morale, contact us.  

AG Dental CPAs & Advisors

Phone: (255) 767-1020 6421

Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B

Baton Rouge, LA 70808