Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Can Your Practice Weather a Financial Storm?

One of the core financial planning tenets is the need to establish an emergency fund. Having a financial safety net is essential, especially today when the economy and the world is facing so much uncertainty. Should an unexpected natural disaster, staffing upset, or other unplanned event interrupt the flow of business to your practice, are you prepared to ride out the difficulty?

Defining a financial emergency

The criteria for what constitutes a financial storm or emergency will be defined differently based on each practitioner’s unique circumstances. A large, financially stable practice may barely notice if several staff members suddenly quit. That same scenario could wreak havoc on a small practice. Of course, a fire, flood or other damaging event is likely to be disastrous for any practice if you are unable to see patients and generate revenue for an extended period of time. This is why having a business emergency fund in place is so vital: to help you carry on, make payroll and pay bills until things return to normalcy.

How much should you set aside?

Most financial advisors recommend saving between 3 and 6 months salary in individual emergency funds. However, these amounts will likely be insufficient for even a small dental practice. There are a number of variables, but here are some questions to consider as you calculate what makes sense for you:

·         What are your insurance limits?

·         How much time will you wait for insurance claims to be processed?

·         What risks are not covered by insurance?

·         How long can your practice survive if you are unable to generate revenue?

·         What would it cost to arrange coverage for staff members who quit unexpectedly?

·         How much are replacement costs for essential equipment that is damaged and inoperable?

Knowing where to start

Many people don’t save for a rainy day because they don’t anticipate financial emergencies until it’s too late to prepare. If you have not begun shoring up your practice against financial storms, now is the time to begin putting a plan in place. An excellent place to start is by scheduling a consultation with our office. We can assess your assets and your risk, and identify vital next steps to ensure your practice is financially secure, no matter what the future holds. Contact AG Dental today.


AG Dental
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Streamline Your Practice with Better Accounting

As a dental practice owner, you have a lot on your plate. From seeing patients and managing your staff to staying abreast of trends in your profession, there is not a lot of extra time for balancing the books. Yet, profitability is always a priority, so how can you streamline your practice and create better efficiencies so that your practice can truly thrive? One of the best ways is to hire an accountant who specializes in your area of expertise. A dental-industry accountant can offer the following advantages:

1.   Keeping you abreast of industry trends. Specialized accounting professionals will be mindful of trends that impact your profitability. This means you’ll enjoy practice-specific tax advice suited to your practice size and location so you don’t end up paying more annual tax than you should. A specialized accountant is also aware of evolving tax laws and can help you stay compliant and avoid unwanted audits.

2.   Serving as a sounding board. At some point you will probably consider investing in new equipment or perhaps consider an office expansion. Staying competitive requires looking for opportunities to grow. A specialized accountant can consult with you and help you look at various pros and cons prior to making a financial commitment. Having a sounding board for important monetary decisions can help you avoid a poor investment that could cost you in the long run.

3.   Assisting with retirement planning. Even if you see retirement as a long way off, planning ahead can make the difference in terms of your future nest egg. Having a CPA who understands your goals, your business and your target retirement age can free you up to focus on other things, like caring for patients.

4.   Spotlighting best practices. When you engage the services of a dental-industry accountant, you can take advantage of all of their industry know-how. They can share lessons learned from similar practices, connect you with other professionals in related industries, and provide trusted advice about important business decisions.

When you think about streamlining your practice, hiring an accountant may not be the first decision that comes to mind. But you may not realize how much of your time and energy is spent on the myriad of financial decisions and concerns that are inherent in running any small business. A skilled dental-industry accountant may be just the support you need to take your practice to the next level of success. 

To learn more about how our small-business accounting services can help your dental practice thrive, contact AG Dental today for more information.


AG Dental
Phone: (255) 767-1020
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B
Baton Rouge , LA 70808

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | 5 Qualities Your Next Accountant Should Have

The easiest way to gage how well your practice is doing is to hire a professional dental accountant. However, not all accountants are the same, and you should know what you’re looking for before you trust your business to anyone. As you research your options, make sure your next accountant has these five qualities.


It may seem like a no brainer, but your accountant should be an expert in bookkeeping and accounting specific to the dental industry. Make sure they know the best options for dentists and stay on top of practice related financial details and information.


If you’ve tried to do your accounting yourself, you know just how quickly it can turn messy. Hire an accountant that knows how to clean up the mess and keep it that way. Not only will this allow you to reach your goals faster, but it was also help ensure your business is both efficient and compliant.


Trust is one of the most important factors when deciding on an accountant. You are often putting your practice, your financials and your life in their hands. In this case, reputation means everything. Find out everything you can about the company and accountant before signing anything. Consider contacting professional references for testimonies.


The devil is in the details, and one mistake could cost your practice dearly. Discuss the ways that your accountant would avoid mistakes and stay familiar with your financials. You spend a lot of time familiarizing yourself with your patients, an accountant needs to do the same with your practice.

Dedicated to You

The top dental accountants understand that customer service is paramount. Your accountant should go above and beyond to help your practice become successful. Our team knows this to be the case, and gives each of our clients the respect and dedication they deserve. Contact our office today and see how a great accountant can help you. 

Baton Rouge LA Dental Accountant | Top Three Tips for a Profitable Dental Practice

Part of what makes being a dentist so exciting and fulfilling is establishing your own practice. Dentists can work on their own or in a partnership setting. In either case, though, they’re at the top of their business. Being the CEO of a small business comes with responsibilities outside of the appointment rooms. Dentists need to invest time making sure their practices are profitable. This means having a grasp of things like overhead, revenue, and marketing strategies. Here are some of the most important tips to help dental practices become more profitable.

Analyze Your Expenses

This should be the first priority for any practice focused on widening profit margins. Dentists should produce a detailed list of their monthly expenses. This includes equipment, supplies, employee salaries, liability insurance, and rental costs or property taxes. Carefully scrutinize this list for anything that’s not strictly necessary, or that your practice spends an excessive amount on. You may be able to reduce your overhead by cutting down on specific supplies, finding savvy ways to limit your insurance payments, or even writing off more expenses to reduce your taxes. There are myriad routes to pulling down your overhead. They all start with patiently poring over your expenses. Having a certified dental accountant is a great way to make sure this work is done accurately and effectively. 

Establish Growth Objectives

Businesses without specific goals are often their own worst enemy. That’s because when you lack concrete objectives, you’re more likely to fall into a state of complacency with your company. It goes without saying, of course, that complacency leads to stagnation and lost profits. Dental practices that want to be as profitable as possible should map out where they want their business to be in three months, six months, a year, and five years. Have a clear sense of the number of patients you want to gain within each time frame, and start developing strategies that help get you there.

Master Online Marketing

In 2019, the majority of people looking for a dentist in their area will use the internet to find one. In fact, statistics show that 90 percent of Americans use internet search engines to find local businesses. That includes dental practices. So how can dentists gain a foothold in these searches and put their practice’s website in front of as many eyes as possible? The answer is online marketing. More specifically, search engine optimization (SEO) marketing. SEO marketing has one simple, powerful objective: get a business’s website and content to rank as high on search engines as possible. In today’s marketplace, where Google, Bing, and Yahoo dominate the way we discover small businesses, this is a critical step in boosting profits.

For expert help in making your business as profitable as possible, contact our office today. We know how to help your business generate all new levels of success.