Dental practices are businesses, and the dentists at the heart of them are CEOs. If you own a dental practice, or are one of several dentists in a partnership-based practice, you should be treating that practice like a business. That means looking for ways to grow revenue, trim overhead, maximize business deductions, and minimize your tax liability. A dental CPA can help dentistry firms achieve all these goals. Here’s how.
They’re Specialists
A dental CPA is more than just a generic accountant. Dental CPAs work exclusively with dentists and their practices. This means that they have specialized knowledge that other accountants lack. Dental CPAs have an insider’s grasp of the industry, including expenses, trends, and the best ways to lower a practice’s tax burden. They also understand what new equipment is delivering the best return on investment, and how to save money every year from the depreciation of assets unique to the dentistry field.
They Can Analyze Your Firm’s Financial Health
The benefits of having a dental CPA go far beyond just getting an advantageous grip on your business’s taxes, though. They can also apply their financial acumen to your overall business model. An experienced dental CPA will be able to look at a practice’s financial reports and determine how it can reduce its expenses and increase profits. They’re trained to recognize financial oversights and areas of inefficiency specific to the dental industry.
Given just a few months to carefully analyze your practice’s finances, a dental CPA will be able to make insightful, actionable suggestions that make an immediate difference.
Industry Benchmarks
Benchmarking is the practice of comparing a business’s performance metrics with both competitors and the highest standards in the industry. While a dentist in Ohio may have no idea how their practice compares with firms in California, Texas, or New York, a good dental CPA does. They’re thoroughly versed in the industry’s key performance indicators (KPIs). These include metrics like patient loads, profit margins, and the percentage of active patients that are currently under schedule.
Dentists primarily focused on their patients and the scientific aspects of their profession may have never even considered evaluating their practices in these ways. But benchmarks and KPIs are powerful ways to frame and understand your business. Dental CPAs can leverage those tools better than anyone. Our office offers you expert guidance on all of these financial strategies and more. Contact us today and learn more about the many ways a Dental CPA can help you.