Dental CPA Baton Rouge LA | How An Accountant Can Solve Problems Through Creative Solutions

Dental CPA in Baton Rouge

 Al Capone was a notorious mobster and crime boss who committed countless crimes either himself or through his organization. However, the crime that finally got him caught and sent to prison wasn’t related to his gangster reputation. Ultimately, Capone was arrested and convicted for income tax evasion. The man who had a seven year reign as crime boss of Chicago ended up being taken down by a team of accountants. 

While this story may not have much to do with dentistry, it is a testament to just how important accountants can be to any field. More than just the people who help you with your taxes, accountants are trained to understand businesses and create solutions that others may not think of. Here are just a few of the ways accountants can solve problems for your practice find success.

Understanding Dentistry:

While an accountant of any type may be able to be helpful to your practice, a dental CPA fully understands all the ins and outs of dentistry and is able to use that knowledge to help you. Dental accountants are uniquely qualified to assist you because they understand your issues in the larger context of dentistry and can examine an issue from every relevant angle. They know the business and therefore have a better grasp on will be the right solution for you. 

Big Picture Thinking:

Accountants are known for their analytical minds. When it comes to solving a financial problem in your practice, a new perspective that considers all the widespread consequences may be exactly what your practice needs. This capacity for lateral thinking is one of the reasons why dental accountants are able to make such significant contributions to your practice success.


Difficult problems require creative solutions. While accountants aren’t always respected for their originality, you may be surprised to know that their line of work takes quite a bit more creative flexibility than most believe. Combining their knowledge of the dental field with the ability to bring a unique approach allows dental accountants to come up with innovative solutions that work to meet and exceed your practice’s financial goals.  

While it’s better to have an accountant before trouble arises, we are here to help you no matter your circumstances. If you’re facing a problem that requires a special touch, contact our team of professional dental accountants today and find the solution for success you’ve been looking for. 

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | 5 Qualities Your Next Accountant Should Have

The easiest way to gage how well your practice is doing is to hire a professional dental accountant. However, not all accountants are the same, and you should know what you’re looking for before you trust your business to anyone. As you research your options, make sure your next accountant has these five qualities.


It may seem like a no brainer, but your accountant should be an expert in bookkeeping and accounting specific to the dental industry. Make sure they know the best options for dentists and stay on top of practice related financial details and information.


If you’ve tried to do your accounting yourself, you know just how quickly it can turn messy. Hire an accountant that knows how to clean up the mess and keep it that way. Not only will this allow you to reach your goals faster, but it was also help ensure your business is both efficient and compliant.


Trust is one of the most important factors when deciding on an accountant. You are often putting your practice, your financials and your life in their hands. In this case, reputation means everything. Find out everything you can about the company and accountant before signing anything. Consider contacting professional references for testimonies.


The devil is in the details, and one mistake could cost your practice dearly. Discuss the ways that your accountant would avoid mistakes and stay familiar with your financials. You spend a lot of time familiarizing yourself with your patients, an accountant needs to do the same with your practice.

Dedicated to You

The top dental accountants understand that customer service is paramount. Your accountant should go above and beyond to help your practice become successful. Our team knows this to be the case, and gives each of our clients the respect and dedication they deserve. Contact our office today and see how a great accountant can help you. 

Baton Rouge LA Dental Accountant | Top Three Tips for a Profitable Dental Practice

Part of what makes being a dentist so exciting and fulfilling is establishing your own practice. Dentists can work on their own or in a partnership setting. In either case, though, they’re at the top of their business. Being the CEO of a small business comes with responsibilities outside of the appointment rooms. Dentists need to invest time making sure their practices are profitable. This means having a grasp of things like overhead, revenue, and marketing strategies. Here are some of the most important tips to help dental practices become more profitable.

Analyze Your Expenses

This should be the first priority for any practice focused on widening profit margins. Dentists should produce a detailed list of their monthly expenses. This includes equipment, supplies, employee salaries, liability insurance, and rental costs or property taxes. Carefully scrutinize this list for anything that’s not strictly necessary, or that your practice spends an excessive amount on. You may be able to reduce your overhead by cutting down on specific supplies, finding savvy ways to limit your insurance payments, or even writing off more expenses to reduce your taxes. There are myriad routes to pulling down your overhead. They all start with patiently poring over your expenses. Having a certified dental accountant is a great way to make sure this work is done accurately and effectively. 

Establish Growth Objectives

Businesses without specific goals are often their own worst enemy. That’s because when you lack concrete objectives, you’re more likely to fall into a state of complacency with your company. It goes without saying, of course, that complacency leads to stagnation and lost profits. Dental practices that want to be as profitable as possible should map out where they want their business to be in three months, six months, a year, and five years. Have a clear sense of the number of patients you want to gain within each time frame, and start developing strategies that help get you there.

Master Online Marketing

In 2019, the majority of people looking for a dentist in their area will use the internet to find one. In fact, statistics show that 90 percent of Americans use internet search engines to find local businesses. That includes dental practices. So how can dentists gain a foothold in these searches and put their practice’s website in front of as many eyes as possible? The answer is online marketing. More specifically, search engine optimization (SEO) marketing. SEO marketing has one simple, powerful objective: get a business’s website and content to rank as high on search engines as possible. In today’s marketplace, where Google, Bing, and Yahoo dominate the way we discover small businesses, this is a critical step in boosting profits.

For expert help in making your business as profitable as possible, contact our office today. We know how to help your business generate all new levels of success.

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Why a Dental CPA Is Your Most Valuable Asset

Dental practices are businesses, and the dentists at the heart of them are CEOs. If you own a dental practice, or are one of several dentists in a partnership-based practice, you should be treating that practice like a business. That means looking for ways to grow revenue, trim overhead, maximize business deductions, and minimize your tax liability. A dental CPA can help dentistry firms achieve all these goals. Here’s how.

They’re Specialists

A dental CPA is more than just a generic accountant. Dental CPAs work exclusively with dentists and their practices. This means that they have specialized knowledge that other accountants lack. Dental CPAs have an insider’s grasp of the industry, including expenses, trends, and the best ways to lower a practice’s tax burden. They also understand what new equipment is delivering the best return on investment, and how to save money every year from the depreciation of assets unique to the dentistry field.

They Can Analyze Your Firm’s Financial Health

The benefits of having a dental CPA go far beyond just getting an advantageous grip on your business’s taxes, though. They can also apply their financial acumen to your overall business model. An experienced dental CPA will be able to look at a practice’s financial reports and determine how it can reduce its expenses and increase profits. They’re trained to recognize financial oversights and areas of inefficiency specific to the dental industry.

Given just a few months to carefully analyze your practice’s finances, a dental CPA will be able to make insightful, actionable suggestions that make an immediate difference.

Industry Benchmarks

Benchmarking is the practice of comparing a business’s performance metrics with both competitors and the highest standards in the industry. While a dentist in Ohio may have no idea how their practice compares with firms in California, Texas, or New York, a good dental CPA does. They’re thoroughly versed in the industry’s key performance indicators (KPIs). These include metrics like patient loads, profit margins, and the percentage of active patients that are currently under schedule.

Dentists primarily focused on their patients and the scientific aspects of their profession may have never even considered evaluating their practices in these ways. But benchmarks and KPIs are powerful ways to frame and understand your business. Dental CPAs can leverage those tools better than anyone. Our office offers you expert guidance on all of these financial strategies and more. Contact us today and learn more about the many ways a Dental CPA can help you.

Dental CPA Near Me | Retire Confidently With a Dental Accountant

Dental CPA in Baton Rouge

There is a saying made famous by Stephen Covey that has stuck with us for years. The saying goes, “begin with the end in mind”. While these words can mean many different things to many different people, to us, they mean that it’s never too early to start planning for your retirement.

As a dentist with your own practice, your eventual retirement requires a great deal more planning than that of the average person. Hiring a dental accountant can reduce your financial waste, helping you to retire sooner with confidence.

If retirement planning feels like it’s still a long way down the road, consider what has to be accomplished in order to ensure success:

  • In-depth debt reduction strategies
  • A strong practice exit plan (estate planning)
  • A retirement funding plan
  • Understanding risk management
  • And, if necessary, providing for your family.

It’s never too early to start working your way through this list. In fact, its recommended by most accountants that you meet with your advisor at least once a year to report on your progress and make necessary adjustments.

Think of a dental accountant like a financial coach. Among the many services offered, accountants can help you find the right pensions, properties, and business opportunities to invest in while you’re still working. As your revenue starts to increase, they can also help you understand where your money is being spent in order to put you in better financial shape once you’re ready to retire.

When you do retire, an accountant will also help you divvy up your assets while making sure they don’t fall into the wrong hands.

Retirement shouldn’t feel like work. Start building financial peace of mind today with a certified dental accountant. Call our office to get started today. 

Baton Rouge LA CPA | Thousand Dollar Mistakes You May Be Making

Baton Rouge LA CPA | Thousand Dollar Mistakes You May Be Making

Most dentists are experts at what they do. They keep teeth healthy. Many of those same dentists are less experienced in making sure their books are well kept and accurately reflect the financial health of their practice. Both of these skills are absolutely critical to maintaining the longevity of your practice. With that in mind, here are 3 common bookkeeping mistakes that could be costing you thousands of dollars and eventually your entire business. 

Misunderstanding the Difference Between Cash Flow and Profit 

Understanding financial reports is no easy task. The complexity can often be confusing for inexperienced people, leading to some costly mistakes. Commonly, a dentist/in house bookkeeper will mistake profit figures for the amount of available cash. This is not correct. As a result of this mistake, dentists make purchases hat incur overdraft fees and charges costing your practice a lot of money. Profits are computed using a profit and loss statement. Cash flow however, is measured using a cash flow equation and factoring in depreciation expenses, inventory, and accounts receivable.   

Accidently Recording Transactions in the Wrong Period 

Another common mistake is made as practices “close the books” at the end of each month. As your in house bookkeeper reconciles accounts and prepares your financial statements, transactions from previous periods can be wrongfully entered. If this mistake goes unnoticed, all of your future reports will be wrong as well as you tax documents and cash figures. As you can imagine, that is not good news. Misrepresentation of cash, whether or not it was an honest mistake, can mean a doubling of repair costs and harsh penalties from the IRS. 

Not Working With an Experienced Dental Accountant 

Trying to manage your financials yourself or hiring and inexperienced bookkeeper can spell disaster for your practice. High tax bills, theft, common cash mistakes and more are all results of an unreliable accounting system.  

Working with a dental accountant can save you time and money by implementing an effective system. Give yourself the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have an accurate understanding of your practice finances at all times. Contact our office for more information. 

AG Dental CPAs and Advisors
6421 Perkins Road • Bldg. A, Suite 1B Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (225) 767-1020

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Is Your Business Healthy?

The definition of success is subjective. However many can agree that accomplishing a healthy work-life balance seems to be one of the most important ways to achieve success on many levels. By establishing healthy business habits, you can minimize the occurrence of career burn-out. If you’re experiencing career dissatisfaction and questioning the health of your business, consider the following:  

Baton Rouge LA Dental CPA | Is Your Business Healthy?

Establish healthier habits. Arrive at work at the same time each day. Consistency for yourself and your team can make a difference in creating a peaceful work environment. Dedicate time to work on your business, and stick to it. When administrative work, important decisions and other owner responsibilities stack up, it’s common to carry that stress around with you. Eventually it affects your team and patient satisfaction as well.  

Know your number. Money is not the root of all evil. It’s also not the solution to every problem. It’s a necessary component to running a healthy business. It’s important to know where you stand financially and have the ability to make smart investment decisions. Before purchasing that $30,000 “high tech solution to all of your problems”, consider how it will truly aid in providing better care for your patients. What will the ROI be? How have others in your situation made this investment profitable? Our team will help advise your major financial decisions. When it comes to your numbers, it’s helpful to know where you stand at all times. We are here for you. 

Owning a business can be a very satisfying and rewarding responsibility. It can be difficult to find the time needed to accomplish everything on your to-do list. Prioritize your responsibilities and create deadlines. This alone will help you make the time for the important items that often get pushed to the backburner. Once your priorities are clear, it will become easier to say “no” when necessary and to have the focus required to check off important items.  

If you’d like assistance in making wise financial decisions, contact us.  

Baton Rouge Dental CPA | Making Informed Acquisitions

CPA in Baton Rouge

Purchasing an existing practice can be an exciting prospect. Whether it’s your first practice or you’re an established owner, the process can be lengthy as you weigh all the pros and cons of the potential investment. Making sure you know everything you need to about a practice before considering an acquisition will help protect you from making a poor choice that could end up costing you in the long run. Below are some considerations to keep in mind when looking to purchase a practice.

Acquisition is Just the Beginning

Even the most aesthetically modern and technologically advanced practice will require some renovations to make it match your branding and culture. This is especially true for older practices or ones that simply aren’t up to the standards you hold. A great deal on a building might not seem so great if you’ll have to pay twice as much to get it patient-ready.

Assess the Assets

Before you commit to purchasing a practice, a professional appraisal of assets is highly recommended. This can include everything from the soundness of the construction to the usability of the existing furniture or the functionality of the existing equipment. It’s essential to know exactly what is included in your potential purchase and to make sure it’s worth the amount you will be paying for it.

Reputation Matters

When looking to purchase a practice, figure out what reputation the current owners have built in the community. If it has particularly poor reviews or has a hard time retaining patients, those are important potential hurdles to keep in mind. While it’s not impossible to build a new reputation for your new practice, it will require more effort on your part to establish your separation from the previous ownership.

These tips may help you think more comprehensively about practice acquisition. If you need advice on a potential acquisition you’re considering or are simply looking for additional guidance in running your practice well, contact our firm today!

6421 Perkins Rd.
Bldg. A, Ste 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

(225) 767-1020

70808 Dental CPA | Why Your Practice Needs Effective Team Meetings

Baton Rouge Dental CPA

Regular effective team meetings can play a crucial role in the health of your dental practice. That one simple-sounding factor can impact every aspect of your business. Your people, your patients, and your practice all benefit from regular effective team meetings.

Your people need team meetings. The core of your practice is your vision, your goals, and your strategy for achieving your goals. Each member of your team needs to understand all of these things and, just as importantly, needs to understand their part in your plan. Without that understanding, your team is working blindly and is unable to actively contribute toward reaching your goals for your business.

A team meeting is an ideal format for open discussion about your vision, goals, and strategy. Not only can you use this discussion to ensure every member is clear on your expectations, but you may find that their unique perspective creates an exchange of ideas on more effective ways to reach your goals and how each person can best contribute.

While not every team meeting needs to include high-level discussion of vision, goals, and strategy, it is a good idea to include this at least once or twice a year and when bringing a new employee into the team. Additionally, many successful dentists find that it is highly useful to touch on how the strategies are being implemented and to discuss any measurable progress toward goals on at least a monthly basis. This helps to keep your team engaged and motivated toward achievement.

Your patients need team meetings. One of the most common components of an effective team meeting is education. Your team needs to know what the policies are, what is on the agenda for the day, if there are any specials being offered, if anyone is sick or on vacation. Any new ideas, training, or techniques that can be shared should be. Your patients need to know they will be given correct and consistent information from any member of your team. Make sure everyone is on the same page.

Your practice needs team meetings. Teach your team how to ask patients for referrals. Word of mouth can have a huge impact on your new customer base. Even happy, satisfied patients rarely refer anyone unless asked to do so, according to a recent study.  Your team members should be engaging your patients in every interaction to ensure a positive experience and should be able to ask for referrals when patients are pleased.

Only you can review your practice, your time, and your schedules to determine when and how frequently you should hold team meetings. Whether you meet daily, weekly, or on some other timeline, make your meetings regular and effective. You will see benefits to your team, your patient experience, and your practice.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation.

6421 Perkins Rd.
Bldg. A, Ste 1B
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

(225) 767-1020

Dental CPAs Baton Rouge | Common Payroll Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Dental CPAs 70808

Dental CPAs Baton RougeHandling payroll for a dental practice is often thought of as a simple task. The truth, however, is that there are many minor errors that can easily lead to major problems. Train your team to catch these small mistakes your practice might be making, so you can be sure to avoid them in the future.

Estimated Recordkeeping – Don’t wait until the day before payroll is due to log shifts worked for the pay period. Days can begin to blend together and it can be challenging to recall who worked which days and times after the fact. Looking through notes and emails to figure out past days’ activities can be stressful and even inaccurate, leading to incorrect pay.

Employee Misclassifications – There are many differences, at both federal and state levels, between an employee and a contractor. Make sure you classify your team members, temporary replacement workers, and anyone else in payroll correctly to ensure an accurate, streamlined process. Depending on the infraction and your area, heavy penalties can occur for misclassified worker pay.

Not Tracking Bonuses or Gifts – Work trips or group outings are no problem, but any sort of bonus or gift that has monetary value needs to be tracked. Gift cards are a common example of this. Make sure to keep a running log of any exchanges like these for year-end purposes.

Paying Employees Wrong Rates – When employees are hired, given a raise, or have their pay otherwise adjusted, make sure this is correctly logged in the system or software you use. Using an hourly wage in a program to pay as salary can have rounding problems, so double-check your work. Manual error or forgetting to process a raise on the books right away can lead to owing back-pay or other issues in the future.

Holidays or Haphazard Payroll – Try to set a fixed schedule for your payroll. When holidays affect the normal cycle, have an established plan to deal with it appropriately. Depending on your area, missing or late payroll can create tax headaches or incur penalties, as well as causing hardship for your team.

Payroll can be a straightforward and mistake-free process at your practice, but it requires proper oversight and attention. Keep an airtight system, follow up on any mistakes, and think ahead. For more information on how to handle payroll or tax concerns, contact our office.

AG Dental CPAs & Advisors
6421 Perkins Road, Bldg. A, Ste. 1B, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(255) 767-1020